Monday, July 25, 2005

A Question of Verbosity

I have encountered a slight snag in my grand plan to transcribe the events of my vacation, and as I'm sure you can deduce the problem. In my wide-eyed anticipation, I had neglected to factor in exactly how long it would take me to complete such an endeavor, given the scope and scale of the trip. And believe me, it would take quite a while; I have hemmed for nearly a week before I mustered the energy to return to the "Create Post" screen. At the rate I am going, it is unlikely I would succeed in completing the travel log before I leave for Israel on September 5th- not an idea that overwhelms me with pleasure.

This deadline in mind, I've decided to lay aside the log for now and focus on other items. It is a pity, because it was a great deal of fun to write, but given that it was an awful lot of work (and that it has been my experience that the longer the post, the smaller the odds it will be perused in full) I thought it would be better to continue with smaller, more manageable things.

So as of tomorrow, I will (to borrow a phrase from TorontoPearl) return to regularly scheduled blogging. Now, if I can only discover what on earth has driven my sidebar into seclusion...


Anonymous said...

Please write anything- just write. It is always such a pleasure to read your incredible words. Dare I ask if you are going to keep up the blog after Sept 5.

Best wishes,
Mom in the morning with coffee

Keren Perles said...

You're going to Israel? For the year? Dare we ask where, or at least what section of Yerushalayim you'll be in?