Friday, April 01, 2005

Picking Battles

Within the system of education that I have been raised in, it is often common practice among teachers to incorporate into their lessons a caution on the dangers of what is unofficially known as 'the outside world' (Tova Mirvis got that much right, at least.) The more docile of students receive the lecture with a bland, "duly noted" sort of attention, while those of a more... independent nature often seize the gauntlet and engage in eager debate with the teacher. In fact, woe is the woman who attempts to initiate such a dictum without proper preparation, because there are few more stubborn creatures on earth than teenage girls with an ax to grind against an unsatisfactory answer.

For myself, I try to adopt a less tendentious position. In such classroom discussions I often feel like the center of a fulcrum, though I have no illusions that I am half as steadfast as I ought to be. I tend to list more to the position of my peers in practice, though very often my conscience gives me a nudge and whispers, "She really does have a decent point, you know." But full concession is restricted by of a combination of what I hope is honest disagreement and what I admit is the realization of the fact that cynicism feels so sinfully pretty on a seventeen year old ego.


Anonymous said...

Dear M:
As a teacher of teenage young woman- who sometimes don't care to even engage in debate and discussion- I take my hat off to you- And by the way- after years and years of teaching- you are the best teenage writer(any writer?) I have ever read. Please don't confess to being someone else- you'll break your fans' hearts.

M said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. Don't worry, I really am exactly who I claim to be!

ilan said...

Nice. I was hoping that some of the more intelligent and thoughtful teenagers would jump on the blog-wagon. I'm so tired of teenagers OMG-ing and LOL-ing and saying very little of substance, and twentysomethings just airing all of their pent-up bitterness for [insert (Jewish?) institution here].
You, and a few notable others, almost make me want to write more than inane humor . Maybe I'll start posting some of my poetry and/or musings on my newest blog . i just have to determine if I have something new and interesting to say.

Keep up the good work!

EN said...

Very deep blog. Interesting to read.