Friday, April 22, 2005

"J" Ne Peux Pas Attendre Pour Vous Montrer

I just love influencing my friends. It's a hobby I've come to engage in regularly of late. Certainly it is far from easy (they are a brilliantly stubborn bunch, and require increasingly clever tactics to elicit their defeat) but to be honest, any victory would not be a sliver as exhilarating if it lacked the preceding battles.

When I do emerge successful, my bone of contention can yield truly unprecedented results. Case in point: My dear friend J, who will follow the trend and be known online by her first initial only, has begun her own blog. In this instance, the struggle was not even so drastic- I merely beseeched her to pay a visit to Ink as Rain. So imagine my bemusement and elation when I visited my comments and found a link to what J has deftly entitled "Skating Pencil." J is a wonderfully earthy and perceptive writer, and I urge you to habituate her endeavor- it will surely be worth your while.

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and meaningfull Pesach (and/or a nice warm week!) Oh yes, and the above title is courtesy of "AltaVista Bable Fish Translation." I speak not a word of French.

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