Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I hate the cold. Oh my gosh, do I hate the cold. That awful, cloying, creeping shiver that pounces on and through any surface less than a quarter of an inch thick and makes the Abominable Snowman want to crawl into bed with the a moan, pleading the fifth. Uhg. Still, I didn't quite believe my mother when she mentioned that today was projected to be the coldest day of the year. Please, it was 25 degrees- nothing could possibly get colder than that!
The joke was on me, apparently. Not only was my thermometer slipping into single digits when I woke up this morning but the windchill was lounging at an absurdly obnoxious -4. (What vindictive meteorologist came up with windchill anyway?) Neither of which would have irked me as much had my sister not awoken with a nasty splash of the flu, meaning that I had to walk to school and back alone deprived even of the minimal diffused warmth to be derived from any company whatsoever. Mmm, and I also found out I have yet more work to do on the school Literary Journal that my fellow editors and I have been slaving over since last May and submitted for review in September...
Ah well, at least my midterm went alright. To do: study for my second to last final, think happy thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! i enjoy good writing. goes to show you, doesnt even matter what you're writing about...as long as it's written well. but lemee tell you- u've got real talent girl! gotta say, i'm a bit jealous. a good writer is something ive always envied, but i'm pleased that at least they're out there for me to enjoy. best of luck with your blog page and keep on writing....