Sunday, May 29, 2005

"Then Close Your Eyes and Tap Your Heels Three Times; And Think To Yourself...

I'm home from my school Shabbaton. All fifty-two glorious, drenching, mind-bendingly stressful hours of it.

I'm exhausted. I'm slightly nauseous. I am so sweaty, my clothing must think I am some kind of canine, or teenaged male.

Something in particular happened on the way home that I would like to recap, but I have a stringent obligation to collapse at the moment so that will have to wait until later.

In conclusion... I'm sure everyone can finish the quote in the title, but I you can't I'd recommend a set of dentures and a childhood.


torontopearl said...

Am curious to learn about the "stressful" aspect (catty classmates, perhaps?) and the destination of your shabbaton -- somewhere decent hopefully...

Anonymous said...

Shabbatons are very stressful. You want to look nice but also try not to annoy too many of the teachers with your choice of outfits. Walking around in really high heels for 48 hours? Also very stressful on our poor feet. The hotel we stayed at was not too bad... but it did smell not so nice. The torrential downpour and blackout just adds more to the memories we'll take away from this weekend.